Practical Applications of Positive Affirmations: A Workbook – eBook Version
Practices like meditation & yoga help us to become aware of our thoughts, which is great! With that awareness, it’s beneficial for one to then understand what to do with those thought patterns and beliefs that don’t serve them.
The intention of this guide is to help you understand:
clear, rational explanations on the power of words;
why our thoughts are important;
why positive affirmations actually can benefit your mental health;
how to train your brain to support your highest wellbeing;
how to create your own positive affirmations (and space to practice);
and most importantly, how to easily put all of this into daily practice.
There are examples of affirmations included and space to create your own. This is a guide full of practical tools – it’s not an up-in-the-clouds delusional approach on how you can think magical thoughts that will create your dream life while sitting on the couch. No! It’s about WHY and HOW your brain is powerful so you can understand how to strengthen, sharpen & use it efficiently (versus your mind working against you). Your mind will do one or the other – if you can choose, you may as well learn how to harness the power of your brain to benefit your highest well-being.
Talking with a psychotherapist is a great way to increase self-awareness and really accelerate this process. I recommend doing so, at least periodically in your life as you would with any other type of health professional, to create some time and space in your life for you, to build awareness of what serves you and what doesn’t, and to be supported in the process of making necessary changes.
This guide is a great accompaniment to any self-work practices but it does not serve as psychotherapy in and of itself and is not meant to treat or diagnose any mental illnesses.
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