This complete plant-based Meal Plan is JAM-PACKED with…
a menu for each day that includes:
prep items for the day
9 mantras to practice mindfulness while cooking (written by a psychotherapist)
kitchen wisdom to improve your skills & efficiency (hint: saves you time later!)
categorized shopping lists
22 complete recipes
30 pages full of practical, easy-to-use information that will save you time in the kitchen as you learn the tricks & tips of a woman who’s been vegan for 11 years.
This meal plan is designed to help you feel less stress & to create positive experiences in the kitchen.
That’s why you’ll find DAILY mantras & mindfulness techniques to incorporate into your routine in the kitchen.
The best part is these mantras were created by a psychotherapist who specializes in training the brain to support our highest good – which includes learning to LOVE cooking, getting creative, feeling nourished & staying calm.
We eat numerous times a day so it makes sense to learn to ENJOY the process of food prep rather than dread it.
Putting time & effort into the process is an investment back into our physical, emotional & mental well being – use your time in the kitchen to elevate your mood, boost your health & save animals and the planet. That’s a win-win-win!
This is the magical state I want you to create while using this meal plan.
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