A Foundation For Happiness: 4 Reasons To Smile More


When are undertaking the most rigorous processes to healing our insides, sometimes it's the simple things that can have the most profound impact. Smiling more is so basic, yet in this stressful world, we are having fewer reasons to smile every day. This means we've got to take it upon ourselves to practice the art of smiling more often. And if you haven't got many reasons to smile, here are a few reasons that will benefit you.

It Can Make You Healthier

Smiling has been shown to slow your heart rate down which can reduce your chances of heart disease, and will have a profound impact on bringing your blood pressure down. It's also been shown to reduced stress. Smiling is one of those things that can improve your mood so much that it will calm you down, and reduce the chances of suffering from a stress-related problem. Smiling is excellent for the immune system which will keep you healthier day-to-day, as well as releasing feel good neurotransmitters, which can be a way to reduce pain.

It's Exposing Us To The Elements

What we have to take note of is when we are smiling is that we are showing ourselves, warts and all, to the world. Our teeth are something that we can feel very self-conscious about. And by smiling more, we can notice those little things that show up in our teeth as a result of poor lifestyle habits. Maybe our toothbrush design isn't as effective, or we just eat a little bit more sugar than we admit to others.

It Builds Trust

Genuinely smiling helps to increase trust between people. In life, if we don't have people trust us and our abilities, we won't get anywhere. If we don't smile enough, then we aren't going to attract people to our inner circle. We've all seen people that walk around with a permanent scowl- we want nothing to do with them! If you begin to smile that little bit more, you will exude happiness, inside and out.

It Changes The Chemistry Of Your Brain

It's something that many athletes and performers know about; your brain is unable to tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. This is why a positive mindset can begin to change your outlook on life because your brain begins to adopt this mindset that you are forcing upon it. The best place to begin? Smiling! If you look in the mirror and smile and make it a daily practice in conjunction with believing in yourself you will feel the benefits over time. After all, the people that are happier in their lives are more productive, more positive, more popular, and live fruitful lives. It all begins with a simple smile.

These four reasons are plenty to smile more. Yes, it can be difficult in life, and we don't always feel like smiling, but when we take it upon ourselves to make concerted efforts to change, smiling is a basic practice that we can build a foundation upon.

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