Alexis Franklin: The Inspired Wanderlust Loving Yoga Teacher

I met the gorgeous and talented Alexis Franklin (aka Yoga Warrior Goddess) earlier in 2015 after we formed an Instagram relationship. She participated in our challenge called #WakeUpYogis and caught everyone's attention with her fantastic photos and graceful yoga practice. We started chatting and instantly formed a close bond. She came to LA to and we met there and had a lovely time getting to know one another! Since then, we've spent a lot of time together both in person, on the phone, on Skype, and through Instagram, collaborating on many projects together (like each designing a pair of yoga shorts for Daughters of Culture, photoshoots, challenges, a future retreat, our blog launches, and more)! It's been a challenge for me to meet really solid people both professionally and personally and if there's one thing I can say about Alexis is that she's a solid woman. She's reliable, hardworking, organized, motivated, and talented!

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Photo Diary: Costa Rica Yoga Retreat 2015

... with LOTS OF PICTURES!!!!! 

You've been warned. There's lots of pictures coming your way. As I sit here, the Saturday after my retreat ended, reflecting on all of the experiences & adventures we packed into 7 nights and 8 days, I am blown away. It's difficult for me to fathom what the retreat guests must be experiencing right now, as I know that it took me a couple of days to reacclimate back to life and to process what had happened - and I've done this many times before! On our time, we had two people that had never traveled outside of the United States before! They had quite the adventure. It's going to be difficult to write succinctly on this memorable week as so many amazing things happened, but I'll try to keep it brief! I hope you will consider joining us in 2016. I'm working on an event calendar now so please let me know what time of the year works best for you! Join my mailing list to stay up-to-date with the latest news!

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Satire, Travel Satire, Travel

5 Reasons Why I'm Not At Burning Man

Maybe I'm alone on this one, and that's totally fine, but I'm just not a "festival" person. I've tried, and I get it - people loveeeee them. Be it Burning Man, Coachella, EDC, Wanderlust...  whatever thing you got going on, it's just not my jam. I've tried to force myself to be into it, I've tried to pretend like I'm into it, I've attended the events, I've smiled in the pictures. I have a high percentage of friends that frequent these events. So clearly, it's not that I'm below or above festivals by any means, or that I think I have it right and others have it wrong. It's just that when I face the cold hard facts of the matter, I can't bring myself to justify attending these events, for personal reasons.

I've spent a lot of time wondering what's wrong with me that I'm so weird and I've decided that nothing's wrong with me, I'm just different - and that's cool too. In the pursuit of figuring out why I'm so strange, I narrowed down 5 reasons why you won't find me at Burning Man.

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Inspiration Inspiration

My Next Costa Rican Adventure & Letting the Universe Have Me

The outcome of what will happen these next few weeks, I know not, but I do know that I must trust the process completely and let go of any negative or doubtful thoughts that come up (and they do!). In my human mind, I do not have the capabilities to fathom or understand what will happen or why things happen the way they do. The recurring theme since deciding to plan my trip back is to not plan anything!

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