Inspiration, Travel Inspiration, Travel

A Mid-Summer's Day Perspective Shift

It was there, in the water, after my close call with the scary-ass but non-threatening shark (he was just surfing too, after all), when it hit me. As Pete and my plans to go to Costa Rica for good and completely change our lives, I have everything I need already around me. As I constantly search for ways to make my dreams come true, I find I am perfectly content with what is, and that anything I could possibly dream has already come true. Yes, there can always be something better, or different, or grander. But being happy with what you have and with the joy of your daily life is what it's all about. Whether we move to another country or whether I grow deeper roots in this community, I know I'll be content and present. The closer we get to change, the more we appreciate things the way they are. 

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