The Fashion of Yoga #4

I wanted to share some essential pieces that I brought along with me (although some were photographed in San Clemente, California). You can see daily pictures of our journey on my Instagram page (follow @rima_danielle). This edition of The Fashion of Yoga includes a mala accessory, yoga leggings from an up and coming brand, and more bikinis! Let's check it out!

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The Fashion of Yoga #3

The hubby and I will be taking off for Thailand in 9 short days! WOW! We're going to be backpacking Southeast Asia for 2 and a half months total. I can't believe it! Check back often as I'll be blogging daily!


We're hitting the southern islands of Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Northern Thailand, and finishing in and around Bali! To prepare for our amazing adventure, I've been scoping out some super sexy bikini companies and I'm stoked on what I've found! I want to share these finds with you! Whether you're looking for chic, feminine designs or sexy support for surfing (or both), there's a little bit of everything. I'll be rolling the pieces out over the next month or so, and there's two included below! There's also plenty of yoga fashion, of course.

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The Fashion of Yoga #2

It may be white winter time in certain parts of the world, but here in Southern California, the sun is shining and we're enjoying the beach well into December. I feel truly blessed to live in such an amazing place! And even more blessed that I get to continue showing off my new yoga looks while others are layering with fleece and faux furs (keep the fashion cruelty free, please!). Let's take a look!

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Inspiration, Travel Inspiration, Travel

A Mid-Summer's Day Perspective Shift

It was there, in the water, after my close call with the scary-ass but non-threatening shark (he was just surfing too, after all), when it hit me. As Pete and my plans to go to Costa Rica for good and completely change our lives, I have everything I need already around me. As I constantly search for ways to make my dreams come true, I find I am perfectly content with what is, and that anything I could possibly dream has already come true. Yes, there can always be something better, or different, or grander. But being happy with what you have and with the joy of your daily life is what it's all about. Whether we move to another country or whether I grow deeper roots in this community, I know I'll be content and present. The closer we get to change, the more we appreciate things the way they are. 

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Inspiration Inspiration

Summer's Beginnings and the Inevitability of Letting Go

The theme that has been recurring for me the last few years of my life and especially in the last few weeks has been the idea that with every new beginning, there are inevitable endings. Each time I create my desires into form and manifest new opportunities, I must let go of other opportunities and miss out on things I created before or in other places of the world. We can't be in two places at once, after all. At least I haven't figured out how to be, yet. To create space for the new, there must be some old that gets squeezed out. And so the work is to create space for the new and to grieve what won't be anymore, and allowing ourself the time to release attachments to titles, situations, or belongings, seeing ourselves as independent of our circumstance so that we can truly be free to flow with the current of life.

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