Yogi Entrepreneur Part 2: First Saturn Return

As we near the end of 2015, I am overcome by gratitude for all that's unfolding, has unfolded, and will unfold around me. This has been the best year of my life, as the year before was, & the year before that. Bottom line: things just keep getting better, and I have no doubts that 2016 will be the same - EPIC as ever. I have a never-ending faith in the process of what is, and this faith allows me to enjoy each moment, finally able to let go of attachments & nostalgia. Learning to live without material attachments, nostalgia for the past , or a fear of missing out is a constant practice & journey. Living a nomadic, entrepreneurial lifestyle has helped me to make great progress in the regards.

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Inspiration, Travel Inspiration, Travel

Yogi Entrepreneur Part 1: Chasing Dreams in Costa Rica

I'm back in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica - my favorite place in the world! I've covered my trips a few times on the blog so if you want some more reading when you're done here, check this page out. This trip, I'm here for two weeks. I arrived on Monday (it's Friday now) and have been working to close a real estate deal that I talked about in this article. Closing the deal will change our life dramatically, so I've been working as hard as I can to learn, create, accomplish, & flow. Pete and I will have a nice cushion to move here as well as manage the property that sells. Due to reasons of confidentiality, I'm unable to disclose at this moment the specifics of the deal, but rest assured that Part 2 of this article will give the full resolution of the story - no matter which outcome occurs.

The second part of my trip is a retreat with Yoga Travel Tree! I am so excited to teach a group of eager yogis and take them around my favorite parts of Costa Rica. Stay tuned for photos on Instagram and live scopes on Periscope!

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Satire, Travel Satire, Travel

5 Reasons Why I'm Not At Burning Man

Maybe I'm alone on this one, and that's totally fine, but I'm just not a "festival" person. I've tried, and I get it - people loveeeee them. Be it Burning Man, Coachella, EDC, Wanderlust...  whatever thing you got going on, it's just not my jam. I've tried to force myself to be into it, I've tried to pretend like I'm into it, I've attended the events, I've smiled in the pictures. I have a high percentage of friends that frequent these events. So clearly, it's not that I'm below or above festivals by any means, or that I think I have it right and others have it wrong. It's just that when I face the cold hard facts of the matter, I can't bring myself to justify attending these events, for personal reasons.

I've spent a lot of time wondering what's wrong with me that I'm so weird and I've decided that nothing's wrong with me, I'm just different - and that's cool too. In the pursuit of figuring out why I'm so strange, I narrowed down 5 reasons why you won't find me at Burning Man.

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Travel Travel

Karma Collective: "Inspire and empower to share good karma & to give back."

Who is @Karma_Collective

Karma Collective was founded by Cordia Chan. She started the brand after 10 days at a silent meditation retreat led her to the vision. Now that Karma Collective has come to life through this experience and through the charity of others, they "aim to share good karma through [their] apparel and hope to inspire and empower you, like it did for [them], to give back."

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Travel, yoga Travel, yoga

Malabella Jewelry: "May your travels be adorned with crystals and lit by the moon"

Who is @Malabella_Jewelry

Malabella Jewelry in a newer small company passionate about creativity with crystals and gemstones. Stemmed from the founder's desire to find the ideal Mala for her intentional meditation practice, she taught herself how to make jewelry when she couldn't find any pieces she felt connected to. Things evolved from there and Malabella was born!

This week - play to win a mala from @Malabella_Jewelry!

On Instagram, follow, repost, and like to win! Full rules below! You have until Wednesday 12 pm PST to enter and win.

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Travel, yoga Travel, yoga

Jala Clothing: SoCal Inspired with Seva at Heart

Who is @JalaClothing

Jala Clothing has their offices in Southern California and was founded by Kelly Kolterman in 2008. The word Jala means "sacred waters of life" in Sanskrit. For designers and lovers of Jala alike, this metaphor of water symbolizes "transformation, creativity, and adaptability". The logo for Jala has a lotus flower to stand for the infinite possibilities we have within our Self and the ability to connect with Source, or "a higher consciousness". Jala's become known for their "soft buttery fabrics, comfortable flowing styles and positive designs fuse mindfulness, yoga and fashion".

This week - play to win a Chakra Top from @JalaClothing!

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Inspiration, Travel Inspiration, Travel

A Mid-Summer's Day Perspective Shift

It was there, in the water, after my close call with the scary-ass but non-threatening shark (he was just surfing too, after all), when it hit me. As Pete and my plans to go to Costa Rica for good and completely change our lives, I have everything I need already around me. As I constantly search for ways to make my dreams come true, I find I am perfectly content with what is, and that anything I could possibly dream has already come true. Yes, there can always be something better, or different, or grander. But being happy with what you have and with the joy of your daily life is what it's all about. Whether we move to another country or whether I grow deeper roots in this community, I know I'll be content and present. The closer we get to change, the more we appreciate things the way they are. 

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Travel Travel

What's It Feel Like to Live a "Pura Vida" Lifestyle?

I've gathered a bunch of my amateur footage from my retreats and group trips to Costa Rica and put together a fun little video for you so you can see what it's like to live "Pura Vida"! I would LOVE if you could share it on your social media sites for me and subscribe to my channel! Early Bird pricing for my retreat to Costa Rica with Yoga Travel Tree ends TODAY so please hurry up and lock in your spot! (We got three new registrations last weekend!)

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